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Scraping VK


Web scraping the vast trove of public information on VK offers great potential for researchers looking to better understand social interactions and trends. However, properly and legally collecting data from VK requires care.

Understanding VK’s Rise as a Social Media Powerhouse

VK began in 2006 as Russia’s response to Facebook. With over 500 million registered users, predominantly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, VK has become the dominant social media force in the region.

The platform allows users to connect with friends, share life updates, discuss topics, join groups, play games, and more. This creates an abundance of user-generated data that can provide valuable insights.

However, VK is notoriously protective of its platform. So researchers must tread carefully when scraping this walled garden of Russian social media.

The first step before web scraping any site is to consult the terms of service and robots.txt file. VK’s ToS states:

The intellectual property rights include trademarks, logos, photographs, texts, software, patents, domain names, designs, databases and copyrightable works, discoveries and inventions, commercial and production secrets and know-how.

So while factual data like profile info may be scrapeable, copyrighted content like photos and videos is off limits without permission.

VK also specifically prohibits automatic data collection by bots, using scraped data for spam/illegal purposes, and violating user privacy.

However, the ToS does not explicitly forbid scraping public data for non-commercial research as long as it is done in moderation. So handling VK user data carefully and ethically is crucial.

What Kinds of Data Might Be Useful to Scrape from VK Profiles?

Assuming responsible and limited scraping, here are some potentially valuable data points accessible on VK:

  • Location, gender, birthday, interests, and other user profile details
  • Text, images, hashtags, links, and metadata from user posts
  • Group discussions – topics, posts, and comment conversations
  • Social graph data – friends, followers, and relationships between users

This information can provide insights into VK user demographics, influencers, interests, trends, viral content, and more. Researchers may want to analyze changes over time as well.

Technical Guide to Scraping VK with Python

Python is a popular language for web scraping thanks to scraping-focused libraries like Requests, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, and Selenium:

Step 1) Import libraries like Requests to fetch page data and BeautifulSoup to parse HTML/XML.

Step 2) Write a loop to crawl through VK, accessing profile pages and posts.

Step 3) Use CSS selectors and regex to extract desired data points from the pages into variables.

Step 4) Store and export the scraped VK data to structured CSV/JSON files.

Step 5) Throttle requests, use proxies, and spoof headers to avoid overloading VK.

Step 6) Routinely check for updates to VK’s policies and blocking methods.

Responsible scraping requires following ethical practices like avoiding private profiles, limiting requests, not reusing data against ToS, and generally respecting user privacy. But with some Python skill and caution, useful insights can be obtained.

Conclusion: Scraping VK Can Provide Valuable Data, But Use Caution

Web scraping VK offers researchers access to social data at scale. But care must be taken to avoid legal issues or abuse of the platform. Always review the terms of service, identify only accessible public data to scrape, use Python to extract information judiciously, and analyze any scraped data ethically. Handled properly, responsible VK scraping can unlock understanding of key trends and insights from this major social network.

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