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Checking Sitemap with Python


Sitemap Verification

In web premium management, it is hugely important to keep all the elements of the sitemap correct and operational in order to enhance the SEO performance on the site as well as for users. Fortunately for us, Python, a flexible and general purpose language, provides some fairly robust utilities for doing so. With this function, webmasters will also be able to discover problems with their sitemaps and correct them using Python programming skills and knowledge of website structure.

Understanding the Importance of Sitemaps

Sitemaps, therefore, act as maps to the search engine so as to direct them through the structure of the site. These XML files include complete sets of URLs, which proves potentially useful for search engine crawlers to locate the siteís content. Site map, therefore, play an important role of improving the visibility of your site in SERP and is a key part of your SEO endeavor that cannot be overlooked.

Preparing Your Python Environment

Itís also good to note that proper setting before Python environment will greatly define your sitemap verification process. See to it that you have the required libraries installed in your system ñ Python and the ones needed for web scraping and XML parsing more specifically. Tools like requests and lxml that are used in Requests and XML Parsing libraries respectively will be of great use here.

To install these libraries, utilize the following commands in your terminal:To install these libraries, utilize the following commands in your terminal:

pip install requests
pip install lxml

Fetching the Sitemap

The initial step in the verification process involves retrieving the sitemap from your website. Accomplish this by sending an HTTP GET request to the sitemap URL. Here’s a code snippet demonstrating this action:

import requests

sitemap_url = "https://example.com/sitemap.xml"
response = requests.get(sitemap_url)

if response.status_code == 200:
sitemap_content = response.text
print("Failed to retrieve the sitemap")

This code fetches the sitemap content, storing it in the sitemap_content variable for further processing.

Parsing the Sitemap XML

Once you’ve obtained the sitemap content, the next crucial step involves parsing the XML data. The lxml library excels at handling XML documents efficiently. Implement the following code to parse the sitemap:

from lxml import etree

root = etree.fromstring(sitemap_content.encode())
namespace = root.nsmap.get(None, '')

urls = root.xpath(f"//sitemap:url/sitemap:loc/text()", namespaces={'sitemap': namespace})

This snippet extracts all the URLs listed in the sitemap, preparing them for further analysis.

Verifying URL Accessibility

With the list of URLs at your disposal, it’s time to verify their accessibility. Iterate through each URL, sending HTTP requests to check their status codes. This process helps identify broken links or inaccessible pages within your sitemap.

for url in urls:
response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True)
status_code = response.status_code
print(f"URL: {url} - Status Code: {status_code}")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error checking {url}: {e}")

The following is used in an effort to get each URL and report its status code or any kind of error that may take place.

Analyzing Sitemap Structure

However, there is more than merely confirming specific URLS; itís important to look at sitemapís structure on the whole. Look for things like lastmod or priority values, and changefreq signs. These attributes are important for the search engines as they give it information on how often your contents are updated and how relevant to the search query they may be.

for url_element in root.xpath(f"//sitemap:url", namespaces={'sitemap': namespace}):
loc = url_element.xpath("sitemap:loc/text()", namespaces={'sitemap': namespace})[0]
lastmod = url_element.xpath("sitemap:lastmod/text()", namespaces={'sitemap': namespace})
priority = url_element.xpath("sitemap:priority/text()", namespaces={'sitemap': namespace})

print(f"URL: {loc}")
print(f"Last Modified: {lastmod[0] if lastmod else 'Not specified'}")
print(f"Priority: {priority[0] if priority else 'Not specified'}")

This code then takes the sitemap and prints more information such as structure of a link and metadata related to link.

Identifying Missing Pages

The other crucial consideration that many people overlook when verifying sitemaps is the ability to fetch the pages that are present in the website but are not included in the sitemap. As for this, compare the URLs you have included in your sitemap with a fresh crawl data of your website. Build a webspider using Python to retrieve the list of all available pages and then compare the list generated with the sitemap URLs.

import urllib.parse

def crawl_website(base_url):
crawled_urls = set()
to_crawl = [base_url]

while to_crawl:
current_url = to_crawl.pop(0)
if current_url not in crawled_urls:
response = requests.get(current_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
absolute_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, link['href'])
if absolute_url.startswith(base_url):
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:

return crawled_urls

base_url = "https://example.com"
all_pages = crawl_website(base_url)
missing_pages = all_pages - set(urls)

print("Pages missing from sitemap:")
for page in missing_pages:

The function works by first mapping your website to get a list of all the pages found within it and then comparing it to the list of pages in a specified sitemap to find which of the two is missing.

Generating Reports

The final step toward making the sitemap verification process more useful is to produce detailed reports that aggregate your results into easily digested recommendations. Develop a function that consolidates all the gathered information from the links into the proper format for analysis, for instance, CSV or JSON. There are specific recommendations as to what this report should contain, such as the accessibility of URLs, status codes, missing pages, and any apparent structural problems which can be seen in the sitemap.

import csv

def generate_report(urls, status_codes, missing_pages):
with open('sitemap_report.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(['URL', 'Status Code', 'In Sitemap'])

for url in urls:
writer.writerow([url, status_codes.get(url, 'N/A'), 'Yes'])

for page in missing_pages:
writer.writerow([page, status_codes.get(page, 'N/A'), 'No'])

generate_report(urls, status_codes, missing_pages)

It separates a CSV report which shows the status of each URL in the sitemap and list down the pages that are not included in the sitemap.

Implementing Regular Checks

It is therefore necessary to put in place a regime that facilitates check of the sitemap regularly to ensure it is highly accurate. Use scheduling libraries of Python, for instance schedule to auto-check the verification process at specific intervals of time. This proactive approach guarantees that your sitemap is quite up to date and efficient to use .

import schedule
import time

def sitemap_check_job():
# Call your sitemap verification functions here
print("Performing sitemap check...")


while True:

This script enables the verification of your sitemap every day as it has a check-in time set thus running the entire process at the specified time.


This paper focuses on the use of Python to verify sitemaps to equip webmasters with a vital tool for efficient, SEO-optimised web management. That is why, using such tactics, you will be able to guarantee that your sitemap is relevant to your website, and help it receive better results in terms of visibility and rankings in search engine results. Scheduling regular checks on a sitemap as well as applying the automated reporting system affords you with a guided approach to identifying and improving on any various issues that your website might be facing in terms of accessibility.

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